Customer Support Center

If you have a question or comment, please select the appropriate service below in order for a Customer Support representative to assist you with your inquiry.

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Please select the appropriate service linked below and provide the requested information on the following form and a Customer Support representative will be in touch.

Package, Envelope or FedEx Express ® Freight

If you have a question or comment regarding a package, envelope or express freight shipment, email FedEx Express or FedEx Ground and a Customer Support representative will be in touch.

Freight Shipments

If you have a question or comment regarding a freight shipment, email FedEx Freight and a Customer Support representative will be in touch.

Office and Print Services

If you have a question or comment regarding Office and Print Services, email FedEx Office and a Customer Support representative will be in touch.

Expedited or Extra-Care Handling

If you have a question or comment regarding an expedited or extra-care handling shipment, email FedEx Custom Critical and a Customer Support representative will be in touch.

Air or Ocean Freight Forwarding

If you have a question or comment regarding air or ocean freight forwarding, email FedEx Trade Networks and a Customer Support representative will be in touch.

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