How Do I & FAQs

What is a PID number? Does POST still issue PID cards?

The POST Identification Number (PID) is a unique, computer-generated number assigned to individuals for identification in Benchmark. The PID number is used to track certification, employment and training.

Depending on when the PID was created, it comes in the following formats:

Effective 2013, POST no longer issues or replaces PID cards.

Can non-certified agency staff obtain PID numbers?

Agencies may request PID numbers for non-certified personnel. First, make sure the individual is not already listed on Benchmark to avoid duplicates. If you are certain a new PID needs to be created, please fill out Benchmark PID Requests spreadsheet and return it to

The spreadsheet will automatically download to your computer after clicking on it.

How can I change my name, address, phone number and email address?

POST Rule 17 states that "Every POST certificate holder shall keep current the POST certificate holder’s name, mailing address, email address, home telephone number, or cell phone number to the POST records management system."

Please make updates to mailing address, home telephone number, or cell phone number by logging into Benchmark. Email address can be updated by contacting POST at
The only time POST requires an additional form is when a legal name change is needed. Please fill out a Form 5 in Benchmark. Make sure to include a copy of your new driver's license, marriage license, or court order along with Form 5.

Where do I find the POST Forms and Grant Forms?

General POST forms are located on the Forms page under the tab "About POST." Grant forms are located on the Grant Forms, Fiscal Rules & Policies page under the tab "Grants."

POST Board

How can I apply for POST Board membership?

POST Board members are volunteers appointed by the Governor. Applicants may apply via the Governor's Office of Boards and Commissions. Applications are valid for one year. Terms are effective from the date appointed by the Governor and expire on June 30th, three years later, unless a member is filling a vacated term. Positions are eligible for reappointment for a second three-year term.

POST Board openings are posted on our website and emailed to agencies, academies, and other organizations, depending on the opening requirements. For further information on the pertinent C.R.S. sections and POST Rules, please see the POST Board page.

In order to create a diversified board, the governor shall consider an applicant's age, gender, race, professional experience, and geographic location when making appointments to the Board. The non-law enforcement members shall complete a citizens' law enforcement academy prior to appointment or within one year after appointment.

Are the POST Board agendas and minutes available online? Where can I find the POST Board Meeting schedule?

Agendas and minutes for POST Board meetings are located on the POST Board page. If you require minutes for an earlier date than what's listed on the website, please contact us at

The POST Board meeting schedule can be found on the POST Board page as well.

SME Committees

How do I become a Subject Matter Expert (SME) member?

Prospective SME members must submit a completed application for membership and include supporting documentation and letter of support from their agency.

Each committee has specific qualifications for membership. The application process may include an interview with current committee members. Selection is made on merit as well as POST's needs at the time of appointment. Please see the SME Committees page for further information.


How can I request a copy of my POST certification?

You may request a copy of your POST certificate by emailing

When will my certification expire?

Once an applicant becomes POST certified, the certification is valid for three years. Once a certified officer is hired with an agency, the certification is extended indefinitely or until three years after the date of separation from that agency.

Appointment as a reserve officer or employment with the Colorado Department of Corrections maintains certification. Separation from an agency less than six months from the date of hire will revert certification expiration date back to the prior certification end date. Basic POST Certification can be renewed at any time. Please see the Certification Renewal page for further information.

Reserve POST Certification expires following the same guideline as Basic Certification but CANNOT be renewed. If expired, you must complete a full Reserve Academy Program.

Please see the POST Certification page for further information on certifications.

Provisional POST Certification is valid for six months. Please request an extension if you are working for an agency and have failed a skill and need to attend a full Basic academy skills program.

Can I renew my Basic certification once it expires?

Yes. Officers who have been certified in Colorado may renew certification at any time after expiration. To begin the process, please print the Renewal Application Forms Packet which contains all forms and information needed to renew certification, submit these forms to POST, and complete fingerprinting according to instructions. These items and instructions are listed on the Certification Renewal page.

Alternatively, you may choose to attend a Refresher Academy, where all forms will be provided prior to graduation.

What are the Certification Exam requirements?

To be eligible for the POST certification exam applicants must:

The POST written certification exam is given during the one-day test out provided throughout the year. It is also given at the end of each academy class throughout the year. If you have failed the exam, please call 720-508-6724 or email to register to re-take it. Please see the Exam Schedule for dates and times.

Applicants may take the POST written certification exam up to three times within two years of graduation from your academy. The cost of the certification exam is $150.00 which must be paid by cashier's check, money order, department (agency) check or through the POST Payment Portal. No cash/personal checks are accepted. Payment is due prior to taking the exam.

Colorado does not allow individuals to attend an out-of-state academy and then "challenge" POST to become certified in Colorado. You must be fully certified in that state and have worked one year in the last three years to qualify for Provisional certification.

Can I do a first aid/CPR course online?

You can take the knowledge portion of First Aid and CPR online, however, the practical for CPR must be taken in person.


What are the Academy requirements for Colorado?

In order to become POST-certified, which is required for all Colorado law enforcement, you must attend a POST-APPROVED ACADEMY.

There are more than 25 Basic academies, one Refresher academy, and seven Reserve academies in the state. Some agencies will sponsor applicants through their academies if they are being hired by that agency. Others are self-sponsored and run through a community or technical college. The cost for each academy is different, as is the number of hours in each program. The minimum required Basic program is currently 556 hours. All current academy programs are longer.

To qualify for Provisional (out-of-state) certification transfer, you must be fully certified and working as an officer for one year within the last three years. Please see the Provisional Certification page for further details.

Where are my certification exam scores?

Please contact us via email at to request your exam score or contact the academy you graduated from for their records.

I failed the Skills Test. What are my options?

If an applicant fails any of the skills programs (Law Enforcement Driving, Arrest Control, or Firearms) while attending an approved academy, they must attend the full skills program again and successfully complete it before you can take the POST certification exam. You must complete the failed skill(s) and the certification exam within two years of the date of graduation from the academy.

Applicants must call 720-508-6724 or email to notify which skills program and academy you will attend, including the academy name and dates of the program attending, e.g., "I failed firearms at Pueblo CC and will be attending the Pikes Peak CC academy firearms program that starts on _____ and ends on _____ and is ____ hrs."

Prior to attendance at a second academy, academy directors at both academies must also contact POST to confirm approval of the applicant's attendance. The originating academy director must allow the other academy's program to be used. For example, if Pueblo CC's firearms program is 98 hrs, and Pikes Peak is 73 hrs, Pueblo CC must approve the shorter program. Each academy sets their own curriculum which may meet or exceed the minimum required by POST.

When the skills program is successfully completed at the other academy, the director must advise POST and the originating academy director that the academy skills program was successfully completed. The applicant's graduation certificate from the originating academy will be emailed to the applicant from POST and will reflect the graduation date as the day the applicant completed the skills program. Applicants must complete all exams and programs within two years of the originating academy graduation date to complete the POST certification exam and become certified.

Skills Test-Out

How do I register to take the POST written certification exam?

You must successfully complete a Colorado Basic academy or be going through the Renewal or Provisional process to be eligible to take the certification exam.

Applicants may take the POST written certification exam up to three times within two years of graduation from your academy. The cost of the certification exam is $150.00 which must be paid by cashier's check, money order, department (agency) check or through the POST Payment Portal. No cash/personal checks are accepted. Payment is due prior to taking the exam.

Please call 720-508-6724 or email to register.

How do I register to take the skills test out?

You may register for the skills test out by calling 720-508-6724 or by emailing

The cost of the skills test out is $525.00. Please make payments through the POST Payment Portal OR via certified check, money order, or agency check only. Payment must be received by POST 10 days prior to the skills test out date. Please make payment out to Colorado POST and note the date of the test out for which you are registering.


What training is currently mandated by the State of Colorado?

Please see the Mandated Training page.

What are the Rule 28 In-Service Training Program requirements?

All certified peace officers in the State of Colorado that fall under C.R.S. 16-2.5-102, must complete 24 hours of training every calendar year, referred to as "In-service Training." In-service Training must include 12 hours of perishable skills (Arrest-Control, Firearms and Driving).

For more information regarding the In-service Training, please see the Mandated Training page.

How do I report my training?

Agency training coordinators must enter your training.

Training transcripts are available for review via Benchmark. If training has not been entered into your record, please contact your agency's training coordinator.

Prior to January 2015 In-service Training was not required by POST. Training taken before that date may not appear on your record.

How do I request that training be added to my record?

Agency training coordinator(s) and/or agency executives must enter your training into Benchmark. POST-provided courses, such as Introduction to Marijuana for Law Enforcement, will automatically be added to your record shortly after completion.

Training records are available for review via Benchmark as well. If you attended training not listed on your record, please contact your agency training coordinator to discuss getting it entered.

Prior to January 2015 In-service Training was not required by POST. Training taken before that date may not appear on your record.

What is the Course Approval Process?

Colorado POST does not approve or endorse training vendors or the classes they offer. All Colorado law enforcement agencies determine which training courses are appropriate for their officers and do so independently.

Colorado POST will only approve training courses under the following circumstances:


Who is eligible to apply for a grant award?

Grants are not provided to individuals. To be eligible for a grant award, the applying entity must be local government, college, university, or not-for-profit organization providing peace officer training.

Regional Grant Program: POST distributes grant funds via ten designated training regions. Employed Colorado peace officers are able to apply for a grant reimbursement for attending a training through their designated Training Region Grant Program.

In-Service Grant Program: To be eligible for a grant award an applicant must be a law enforcement agency. Grant awards are not provided to individuals.

In-Service grant funds may only be utilized by employed certified Colorado peace officers.

What can POST grant funds be used for?

Funds are available to acquire training, conduct training and attend training for Colorado peace officers who are currently employed by a law enforcement agency. Examples of allowable costs are: tuition, lodging, travel costs, instructor fees, class supplies, travel costs, backfill, and overtime. In- or out-of-state travel is permissible using POST funds. Training equipment is also an allowable expense. Examples of allowable costs are: Simulators, Simunitions, training ammunition, targets, arrest control training gear, driver training equipment, range and driving track improvements, etc.

What are the differences between the In-Service Grant and the Regional Grant Program?

Regional Grant Program: Trainings, scholarships and equipment which will be available to all law enforcement agencies within the designated Training Region should be applied for through the Regional Grant Program.

In-Service Grant Program: Agencies that want to purchase equipment, on-line training subscriptions, or training to meet in-service requirements that will be available to their agency should apply through the In-Service Grant Program.

Where can I find a Training Region map and Training Region contact information?

The State of Colorado is divided into 10 Training Regions. Please see the Training Region page for the region map and contact information.

I am an employed Colorado peace officer, how do I apply for grant funds to attend training?

Eligible Colorado peace officers may request grant funding by contacting their designated Training Region Coordinator. Click here to see a map of the designated regions and contact information.